Adore Jesus
Adore Jesus in a sunrise
Along the Sea of Galilee.
Men of the sea are amazed
By a Man of God-like ways.
Jesus, how they run to You
To see your eyes and touch You.
The world shall always run
To the wonder of your love.
Adore Jesus in the Jordan River
With John the Baptist at His side.
The Son is baptized to the world
And the Father proclaims His love.
Jesus, how they run to You
To see your eyes and touch You.
The world shall always run
To the wonder of your love.
Adore Jesus high on a mountain
Or walking the dusty plains.
Crowds follow for the miracles
And to hear the words of God.
Jesus, how they run to You
To see your eyes and touch You.
The world shall always run
To the wonder of your love.
Adore Jesus on the cross,
His blood shed for the world.
The third day He shall rise
In a sunrise of God’s glory.
Jesus, how they run to You
To see your eyes and touch You.
The world shall always run
To the wonder of your love.